Venge – Available for Pre-Order

Will Isenberg’s debut novel “Venge” is now available for pre-order on Amazon. It will be released to Kindle 3/25/2021 and paperback copies can be ordered now.

Set in a dystopian future this murder mystery thriller sets a new standard for its genre.

Click here for more information.

Publisher-Lite Launches!

Feral Cat Publishing is now searching for two authors with worthy unpublished books. The successful authors will be offered a contract in our Publisher-Lite Program. We’re mostly looking for books in the science or fantasy fiction genres of 75K-100K words, but are open to others as long as they entertain.

Click here to learn more!

Mittens McNulty?

We have received a number of queries asking after Mittens McNulty’s next tour de force effort, as well as who-the-heck he is. We’ll be updating soon with his bio and significant future events.