BoP – Million Word March

Today we passed a milestone for the call; submission of stories to date cumulatively totals more than one million words. The review team has their work cut out for them, but reading so many great stories is a pleasure in and of itself.

Feel free to stress-test our prescription eyewear with more submissions, we’re committed to finding the stories which perfectly fit the concept.

The target word count for this first volume is 75,000.

Back to my reading!

Bubble Off Plumb – Progress

In response to several questions; we won’t be announcing selected stories until the submission deadline of September 30th has passed. The only exception will be those stories we decide early do not fit the concept, for whatever reason, and in such cases we will notify the author it is no longer under review.

So, if we haven’t contacted you, your story is still under consideration.

To those who haven’t submitted a story as yet, the process will remain open through the submission deadline, plenty of time to put the final polish on something truly bubble off-plumb!