Chasing Eleven is a multi-genre collection of short stories by award-winning author Dan M. Kalin.
Stories Include:
- Witch Simona thinks the president might be under an evil curse
- Virgie can’t understand why doors are being closed in her face
- People in the family die, after taking a road trip with Auntie Lu
- Timothy has a frustrating life only cake can improve
- Dave wants to visit long-lost cousins but receives strange signals
- Lucas wants nothing more than to be a long-haul trucker (and serial killer) until a higher calling beckons
- Even sorcerer Silver needs to settle into a new home
- Frustrated author Leo searches for new ways to market his books
- Brian finds new ways to finance elective surgical procedures
- Linguist Annie Richardson discovers a puzzling artifact within all human minds
- Breakfast and a tall tale with one of the last Oklahoma dust bowl refugees
Dan M. Kalin remains an author, recovering engineer/Mensan, inventor, and occasionally-retired management consultant living large in Melbourne, Florida.
Can also be ordered through any local bookseller.